The Daily Mass is celebrated in the Traditional Form of the Roman Rite, commonly referred to as the Tridentine or Traditional Latin Mass, according to the Missale Romanum of 1962.
TUESDAY - 5:30 PM (Low Mass)
WEDNESDAY thru SATURDAY 9:00 AM (Low Mass)
If this is your first time participating in the Traditional Latin Mass or if you’re reacquainting yourself with the Mass of your childhood, know that you are most welcome! You’ll likely feel lost the first time, and that’s okay. We encourage you to simply unite your heart and mind to the presence of God and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. As Venerable Pius XII wrote in Mediator Dei, “the chief element of divine worship must be interior.”
HELPFUL TIPS: Pick up a RED missal as you walk in. Watch and listen in the silence and let your prayer arise like a holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament. The images and notes in the margin of the RED missal can help you follow along; but don't worry about what page you should be on. Meditate on the Holy Sacrifice . . .